NADC Plans 2022 Fall Conference

Press Releases,

August 30, 2022 --- The National Association of Dealer Counsel (NADC) will be holding their 2022 Fall Conference on October 9-11, 2022 at The Ritz-Carlton, Chicago in Chicago, IL.  The conference will be open to all NADC members.  The registration fee is $695 and includes meeting materials, sessions, and meal functions.  On-line conference registration, hotel information and a membership application are available at

Sessions will include:  Dealer Counsel 101; In-House Counsel Breakout Session:  Employee Benefit Considerations in Mergers and Acquisitions – Smooth Transitions; NADA Update; FTC and CFPB Enforcement Actions; Transition to an Agency Distribution Model in Europe and What it Means for U.S. Dealers Building a Dealership Group That Will Thrive in the Future; Redemptionist, Sovereign Citizens, and Real Person, Oh My!  A brief guide to conspiracy theories related to finance and debt; Navigating the Interplay Between the Leaves of Absences and the ADA, and Avoiding an Employment Disability Discrimination and Retaliation Lawsuit; Buy-Sell Best Practices:  Taking a Dealership Purchase from Term Sheet to Closing; In-House Counsel Breakout Session: The Compliance Officer Cometh – Training a Dealership Compliance Officer; 2022 Dealer Data and Digital Issues Update – The Safeguards Rule and More; So, Our Biggest Competitor is the Factory? Taking a Stand Against Direct Sales & Unfair Competition; and Game of Cars: How OEMs Play with the Allocation System and How to Stop It.

The NADC is a nationwide professional organization of attorneys who represent automobile and other vehicle dealers.  The NADC provides a forum for members to share information, common experience, and advice related to manufacturer franchise issues, lemon laws, vehicle finance, regulatory complexities, insurance laws, tax laws, buy/sell agreements, employment law, and many other issues facing dealers and their counsel today.