Our Mission

The mission of the National Association of Dealer Counsel is to provide education and information for attorneys representing automotive dealers for the purpose of improving and developing their capabilities.

Our Leaders

The NADC is managed by a volunteer Board of Directors elected from the membership. The list of NADC’s current officers and directors can be found here.

  • Scott Silverman

    Scott Silverman

    Partner, V.P. & General Counsel, DSR Motor Group


  • Jami Farris

    Jami Farris

    Neutral, Miles Mediation and Arbitration

    Past President

  • Eric Baker

    Eric Baker

    Attorney, Wisconsin Dealer Law

    Vice President

  • Donald Gould, II

    Donald Gould, II

    Shareholder, Johnson, DeLuca, Kurisky & Gould, P.C.


  • Timothy Robinett

    Timothy Robinett

    Partner, Manning, Leaver, Bruder, and Berberich, LLP


Board of Directors